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This isn't that accurate. The tweets after 'Show more replies'/'Probable spam' have always been labeled as "LowQuality". Those in the next section are labeled as "AbusiveQuality". The other tweets - the ones above 'Show more replies' are labeled a "HighQuality". Twitter has been smearing millions of their users each day but no one else outside Twitter besides me knew about it because they couldn't do something as simple as look at Twitter's AJAX.

In any case, their algorithm has always been incredibly flawed; more times than not it gets things wrong. E.g., just yesterday I looked a replies to Musk. On one tweet, someone had left about a dozen worthless meme tweets, all of which were labeled as "HighQuality". I keep seeing merch spammers. They even use the same lingo, but Musk is too grossly incompetent to pick up on that.

To understand what's really going on, see the description of my "More Speech" application on Github.

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